Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Photo-less Update

So sorry for the lack of a photo today!  I do try to post at least one photo, because my animals are super cute. But I realized I've been really remiss in taking pictures of my clan lately, and I have nothing current to share with you.  I promise to do better this week--more pictures! more cuteness! 

Though we're waiting on new test results re: Indiana's kidneys/UTI, she's actually been feeling really good.  We had very unpleasant weather on Sunday, requiring me to drag all 6 of my less-than-willing animals into the basement.  Q went down to the basement on his own (the lure of seeing what I was up to was too great for him), but I had to herd the other 5.  I had to be really strategic about it, because Q was already down there, and not everyone gets along with Q.  Mr. S was my next logical choice, because he and Q are fine together.  Gus hates Q, and vice versa, so I knew Gus would be last to enter the basement.  Plus, he was sleeping in his happy spot, so upon plucking him up from his happy spot, I knew he would be decidedly unhappy.  Indy can't do stairs anymore, so I had to pick all 70 pounds of her up myself, and carry her down a flight of stairs.  It wasn't so much hard as it was butt-puckeringly-frightening.  I was so scared of dropping her or of tripping.  But I knew I was carrying most precious cargo, and I was determined to get her down safely.  And I did. 

Then we had to spend over an hour down in the basement.  Luckily, I have a music studio down there, complete with a couch, so at least it's (relatively) clean and pretty comfy.  But cold.  And after the first ten minutes, the power went off and didn't come back on again for over 7 hours.  Smart Mom that I am, I completely neglected to bring a flashlight ("Nah.  The power NEVER goes out.  We'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine."), so when the power went out, Isis freaked the heck out, upsetting all of the other animals.  I was left with only my cell phone for light, because I didn't trust my animals alone in the basement long enough to run upstairs and get a flashlight.  Plus, you know, death.  There was that to be afraid of too. 

During that hour, my cats were constantly at each other's throats.  Gus was bored, so he would playfully attack Sam or Mr. S, which Q would misread as an actual attack, which caused him to lunge after Gus in a very aggressive way, which caused Gus to react in kind, which caused me to be very annoyed and angry.  That hour couldn't go by fast enough.

In the end, I was able to release the critters back into the house.  I thought about carrying Indy back up the stairs, but sometimes she gets offended if we do things for her that she can do herself, so I decided to let her try (slightly assisted) to go up the stairs by herself.  And let me say that she accomplished that like a rock star.  Then, on three separate occasions later that day,  I saw her up on the bed--where she had climbed all by herself.  She was on a roll, and I was a very happy Mama.  Plus, she's been eating really well and taking all of her pills without a fuss, so essentially, my world is a very happy place right now.

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