Friday, April 15, 2011


Weekend.  Week-end.  Get it?  Get it? 

After the craziness of Tuesday, I was back at the vet's office again today with Indiana, for her twice-monthly acupuncture appointment.  I was glad to be going in, because not only did Indiana change all of her eating habits yesterday, she also threw up. 

I wrote yesterday about being concerned that maybe her kidneys were acting up again, making her feel sick, which would be a bad thing for so many reasons.  But she vomited up grass (our vet says most dogs and cats are doing that right now, because the grass is new and fresh, and it's one of the best sources of potassium) and she had mad, curl your toes gas last night.  I mean, the kind that you can smell across the room.  It was awful.  But it kind of made me happy, because gas + grass + upset tummy = not kidney problems.  Our vet thinks it's gastric upset from the massive antibiotics she was on last week from her UTI.  Having been on massive amount of antibiotics myself this winter, thanks to the osteomyelitis, I can totally relate to this.  So, we're keeping Indy on probiotics, respecting her tummy by feeding bland, cooked turkey, and cutting down her pills and medicines to the bare minimum.  Hopefully, in a week or so she'll be back to normal.

The only real complaint I have this week, (and I suppose it's a small complaint in the grand scheme of things) is that I still don't have bloodwork results from my cats from Tuesday.  I know my vet has them.  She told me she has them.  But they are "in a stack a couple of feet high on her desk.  She'll get to them over the weekend, and you'll get a call from us on Monday or Tuesday."  Really?  It shouldn't take almost a week for me to get results from routine bloodwork.  Not that I should receive priority care or anything (but, come on, I practically live there with my six animals, shouldn't I get some kind of preferential care for that???), but I just spent over $1300 there this week.  That doesn't deliver my bloodwork in a timely manner?  The answer, I know by now, is no.  No it doesn't. 

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